Milage Calculation

Thanks for understanding about this one. This is an unfortunate necessity...have you seen the price of gas and the pot holes?? Whew!!!

I will use your address to determine how far it is from "home base" (red flag in the middle).  I will use the shortest driving distance as possible to calculate the milage to see where you fall on the map.  To get an initial idea of what range you might fall in, use the Greenwood Park Mall as your "home base" address.

🔵 Blue ring: Anything within the 15 mile radius (red flag to blue ring) will be the standard rate of $80 for half days or $180 for full days. 

🔵➡🔴 15.1 miles (blue ring) to 20 miles (red ring) will be $100 for half days or $200 for full days. 

🔴Red ring: 20.1 miles or greater (red ring) will be $120 for half days or $220 for full days.  

*Second dog and 2 full day discounts still apply regardless of distance.